Talking With Pet Doctors

  • What Happens When Your Dog Gets Their Teeth Professionally Cleaned

    18 October 2019

    If you own a dog, in addition to cleaning your dog's teeth yourself, you should also take your dog in for professional cleanings, performed by your vet. When you take your dog in for a dental cleaning, you should expect them to review your dog's medical history, put your dog under anesthesia, and then scale and polish your dog's teeth.  Review Dog's Medical History  The first thing that will happen when you take your dog to get their teeth professionally cleaned is the veterinarian will review your dog's medical history.

  • Effects Of Early Spaying And Neutering

    23 September 2019

    Choosing to spay or neuter your pet is one of the most important decisions you can make for them. Spaying and neutering prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduces the number of homeless animals populating shelters. Overpopulation of stray animals can be a nuisance to livestock, pets, and humans. Strays may also carry diseases and parasites that can spread to other animals and humans. Sterilization can also benefit your pet's health and behavior.

  • Here's Why Your Cat Yowls All Night

    7 August 2019

    Having a cat cry and yowl all night can be upsetting, irritating, or even get in the way of your sleep. If your cat does this, you should read this guide to find out what's behind it and what you should do in order to put a stop to it. Separation Anxiety One potential cause of nighttime yowling is separation anxiety. While cats have a reputation for being aloof and unaffectionate, they need their people just as badly as dogs do.

  • Tips And Tricks For The Successful Syringe Feeding Of A Cat

    19 June 2019

    When your cat won't eat, there are few ways to make a cat do so against their will. If your cat has an ongoing issue that causes appetite problems, like kidney disease, your veterinarian may provide you with the tools necessary to syringe feed your cat. This should only be done when necessary, but it can help to provide your cat with essential nutrition and fluids when they refuse to eat on their own.

  • Five Things Your Dog Might Eat That Could Send Them To The Emergency Vet

    24 May 2019

    If you are a first-time dog owner, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the prospect of having a four-legged friend to take care of. There are many factors that go into taking care of a dog, including monitoring what they eat. There are many things a dog could get into that they will eat, but that they definitely should not be eating. Get to know a few of these common items in the house that might send you and your dog on a trip to the emergency animal hospital.

  • It's More Than A Bath: 4 Reasons You Need To Take Your Dog To The Groomers

    2 May 2019

    If you have a dog, it should be going to the groomers about once a month. You may think that you can provide all the grooming your dog needs, right at home. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily true. While you can bathe your dog at home, you can't provide the added benefits that a professional groomer can provide for your dog. Here are just four of the reasons why you should take your dog to the groomers about once a month.

  • 3 Ways To Protect Your Pet Inside Your Home During The Winter Time

    20 February 2019

    Hazards exist not just outside for your pet, but also inside for your pet during the winter time. Make sure that you keep your pets safe during the winter by being proactive with protecting them from indoor winter hazards. #1 Secure Space Heaters If you have a ­portable space heaters in your home, you need to make sure that they are secure. You are going to want to secure your space heaters to the ground or wall so that they will not easily tip over.

  • Are You Adopting An Older Dog?

    7 February 2019

    If you have a great deal of experience with dogs, you probably already know everything you need to know about older dogs. however, if this is your first experience in being a dog owner, you might need some pointers. If you adopted an older dog from an animal shelter, that is one lucky and blessed animal. As time goes by, you will probably discover that it is actually you who is the lucky and blessed one.