Talking With Pet Doctors

How to Know if Your Dog Has a Sinus Infection

by Christy Adams

You might be wondering how to tell if your dog has a sinus infection. It can be hard to know for sure, but there are many signs that you should watch out for. This article will list the most common symptoms of sinus infections in dogs, and give information on what you can do about it.

Where are Your Dog's Sinuses Located?

A dog's sinuses are located in the head, behind the eyes, and above the nasal cavity. The sinuses are made up of tiny air pockets that are connected by small channels. When a dog has a sinus infection, these pockets become inflamed, swollen, or infected. This can lead to drainage of thick mucus from the nose or watery discharge from the eyes.

Symptoms of Sinus Infections 

Symptoms of a sinus infection include sneezing, coughing, discharge from the nose, and ears. You may also notice redness around the eyes and nose area. In addition to being congested and having a runny nose, if your dog also appears to have watery eyes with pus-like discharge, this could indicate an infection of the sinuses.

Chronic Respiratory Conditions

Dogs with chronic respiratory conditions such as kennel cough or bronchitis are more likely to have recurring infections that can be difficult to treat. If your dog has one of these chronic respiratory conditions and also seems to have a sinus infection, they could be experiencing a condition known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is the result of an overactive immune system and usually causes mucus clogging in the nose and increases inflammation in the nasal passages.

Take Your Dog's Temperature

The best way to diagnose infection is by taking your dog's temperature. If it is higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit then they probably have an infection. Dogs will also normally try to hide away from other dogs and people when they have any type of infection. If your dog shows signs of lethargy as well this could be the result of a sinus infection.

When your dog is suffering from a sinus infection it can make you feel powerless. However, if you identify the symptoms early you will be better able to help your pet. Make sure that you take the time to carefully observe your pets and look out for the symptoms of a sinus infection. When you are observant you will be better able to give adequate information to your vet. For more insight, contact local veterinarian clinics.
